Grands Crus

Alsace Grand Cru OSTERBERG 2012 - Gewurztraminer

Spicy, ample, racy and long.

91/100  score : The Wine Advocate - Robert PARKER -  July 2017
16/20 score : Guide de la Revue du Vin de France 2019

GammeGrands Crus Osterberg
Caractère du vinDemi-sec


Alsace Grand Cru OSTERBERG


Osterberg, exclusively areas on the edge of Ribeauvillé. Hillsides facing East South-East at an altitude of 250 to 350 meters, and on average to steep slopes which benefit from excellent levels of sun. Osterberg is a well-known wine-growing area, mentioned in documents from the Middle Ages. The Lords of Ribeaupierre cultivated their vines there.

Type of soil:

The soils are rich in clay and small stones. The substratum is essentially composed of Muschelkalk with a moderate quantity of marl, and in the East of Lettenkohle with dolomitic chalks and multicoloured marls. The presence of dolomitic chalk and thus of dolomie induces some water storage capacity in the soil. This water can be released progressively in case of dry and warm conditions and thus prevent the vines from suffering from lack of water. Furthermore, these vineyards oriented East South-East with high amount of clay are cooler than the Grand Cru Kirchberg. The expression of the wines is “harder” and more “austere” compared with the Kirchberg. Our vines are present in the deep and marly soils of the east as well as in the stony part in the west on the Grand Cru.

Certified organic grapes for an enhanced terroir expression:

Started in 2005, our conversion to organic production took a concrete form three years later in 2008 with the ECOCERT certification. Since 2012, all the cellar operations are also covered by the European specification so that we can now speak about organic wines.

Wine character:

A pure and complex nose on spices and exotic fruits. The sweetness at the beginning of the palate is immediately balanced by the typical freshness of the vintage 2012 giving this Grand Cru finesse and length. This texture on the palate is a key point of the Grand Cru Osterberg, a location where Gewurztraminer are very successful. A great wine !

Tips for consuming:

This wine is well suited for rich dishes of character: goose lever, smoked fish, fish in sauce…Perfect pairing with spicy food (Asiatic dishes). Also perfect with strong cheese (Roquefort, Stilton, Munster, Maroilles...)  and deserts (especially chocolate desserts).

The 2012 vintage:

2012 will stay in our memories as a chaotic vintage when considering the weather conditions. After a very warm month of March, the temperatures got cold for the next weeks. The flowering took a long time in fresh and humid conditions. Summertime started with rain and cold temperatures, but fortunately August got warmer. September was nice and not too warm so that the final maturing process took place under ideal conditions. The harvest started on September 24th with the grapes for the Cremant d’Alsace and went one with the other varietals afterwards. Thanks the stable conditions at the end the cycle we could harvest fresh and mature grapes in sound condition. They did not carry at all the stigmas on the season.


91/100  sore : The Wine Advocate - Robert PARKER -  July 2017

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