Food and wine combinations

The great diversity of Alsace wines means they can complement a very varied cuisine.

The wines labelled "Appelation d'origine controlé", the Alsace Grand Cru and the Crémant d'Alsace are faithful choices for gastronomic creations, but they are also perfect for informal meals and relaxing with friends.
They bring unexpected harmonies to exotic poultry recipes, fish and shellfish, fois gras, game, cheeses, and of course simply as an aperitif…
There is a whole of flavours which we invite you to explore.

How to serve and drink Alsace wines


Alsace wines should be served at between 8 and 10°C.
Any cooler, the aromas would not express themselves as well. Any warmer, the wine would feel heavy and less fresh. One ought to choose colourless glasses with a high stem (so as to avoid heating by the hand) and a narowed rim to help concentrate the aroma.
The Crémant d'Alsace is to be serve in flute glasses (much better suited to the job than gablet-shaped glassed) at between 5 and 7°C


Use a cool cellar with a constant temperature of 10 to 15°C, which is neither too dry nor too humid, and lay the bottles down. These are essential to good conservation of Alsace wines. While they may be consumed young (from 6 months to 5 years after the harvest), there are benefits in allowing the wine to age if it is of a good vintage year, or if it is one of the Grands Crus, the late harvest wines ("Vendanges Tardives") or a superior grain selection wine ("Sélections de Grains Nobles").

Combinations with white wines


Classical combinations: Being light, thirst-quenching and full of freshness, the Sylvaner will accompany oysters, mussels and other shellfish, snails, grilled fish and cold meats.

Unusual combinations: The Sylvaner will lighten heavy rustic-style meals, for example meals based on melted cheese. Wine is difficult to serve with vinaigrette, but the Sylvaner works wonders with salads, bringing to them its own vivaciousness and fine nuances of vegetables.


Classical combinations: Being tender and delicate, the Pinot Blanc will harmonise subtly with fish, white meats and poultry.

Unusual combinations: Pinot Blanc will also work well with egg dishes, such as dishes using boiled eggs, omelette or quiche. It is also a treat with mild cheeses (crème de gruyère, carré frais…)


Classical combinations: Riesling is a noble thoroughbred, a wine capable of some of the greatest gastronomic combinations, with the most refined and delicate dishes : fish, white meats and poultry cooked with hints of spice, with sauced based on cream or white wine.

Unusual combinations: Riesling is also a wine which will complement exotic dishes, such as dishes with nuances of lemon, grapefruit or other citrus fruits, or dishes of raw fish (sushi). Its fine acidity and mineral flavours also bring out the tastes in goats cheeses.


Classical combinations: Opulent, long on the palette and sometimes slightly smoked, the Pinot Gris brings all its fullness to the most flavoursome of dishes, such as foie gras, white meats, poultry in sauce in sauce and even fowl.

Unusual combinations: The power and autumnal nuances of the Pinot gris (with suggestions of mushrooms, moss and undergrowth), go together well with the intense flavours of veal sweetbreads, calf liver, kidneys, and with all dishes based on mushrooms.


Classical combinations: Richly aromatic, Gewurztraminer is the wine to bring to full-bodied cheeses such as Munster, Maroilles, Livarot, and veined cheeses.
The complex aromas of the cheeses and the Gewurztraminer enrich each other. The wine brings to them its robust body and hints of spices.
Gewurztraminer is the wine to drink with all desserts low in sugar.

Unusual combinations: Gewurztraminer is an aromatic explosion of fruit, flowers and spices, and so it goes hand in hand with the highlighted flavours of Asian, Indian and Moroccan cuisine. Something to try out is its combination with the three beloved ingredients of Mediterranean food : tomatoes, anchovies and olive oil.


The sweeter dessert, the better it will be with a "Vendange Tardive" wine, or even a "Sélection de Grains Nobles". In any case, this wine is one which will stand up for itself on its own.


Classical combinations: The Alsace Muscat, a dry wine not to be confused with the sweet Muscats of the South of France, make a marvellous aperitif, thanks to its freshness and inimitable fruitiness (it offers aromas of fresh grapes).

Unusual combinations: Muscat's natural characteristics bring out the best in light food based on cooked or raw vegetables, such as steamed vegetable dishes and vegetarian dishes.
Its delicate bitterness makes it perfect to accompany asparagus.


Classical combinations: The Crémants d'Alsace wines are the natural choice for parties, and will combine well with the finest dishes such as caviar, canapés, fish and white meats. Of course they should also be taken as an aperitif.

Unusual combinations: With desserts, orto set aff a dish of fresh fruits.

Combinations with Alsace red wines

Pinot Noir

Classical Combinations: Pinot Noir develops lingering aromas of red fruits, particularly cherries. It will accompany cold meats and red meat, depending on the type of wine-making process used (resulting in rosé, light red or deep red, fermented in oak casks.)

Unusual combinations: try Pinot Noir with red fruit gratin.

Alsace wines on your table - Hors d'oeuvre

The following combinations of dishes and wines are general ideas. it will be possible to create even more harmonious combinations depending on the way in which you prepare the food, and the composition of your menu, given the diversity of vintages available.
Do not hesitate to consult us when making your choice.


Appetizers and savoury petits fours : quiches, cheese pastries and pizza.

Crémant d'Alsace, Muscat d'Alsace, Gewurztraminer, Pinot Gris, Auxerrois

Salmons canapés

Crémant d'Alsace, Gentil 1998

Cold hors d'oeuvre

Traditional salads, cold meats, eggs
Sylvaner, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir
Crustaceans, fruits de mer, oysters, mussels and other shellfish
Sylvaner, Riesling, Riesling Kirchberg 1996, Pinot Blanc, Gentil 1998
Salads and lightly seasoned fresh vegetables
Muscat d'Alsace
Fish paté and raw fish (Sushi))
Riesling, Sylvaner, Riesling Kirchberg 1993
Spicy salads (Asian, Mexican, Moroccan and Indian recipes)
Foies gras
Pinot Gris Sigillé 1995, Pinot Gris Vendanges Tardives, Pinot Gris Sélection de Grains Nobles, Gewurztraminer, Gewurztraminer Vendanges Tardives, Gewurztraminer Sélection de Grains Nobles
Sautéed liver in salad
Pinot Gris Vendanges Tardives

Entrées chaudes

Quiches,tarts and soufflés
Sylvaner, Pinot Blanc
Pinot Blanc, Muscat d'Alsace

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