Vins de Fruit

Riesling 2020

Fruity, racy, dry and fine

GammeVins de Fruits
Caractère du vinSec




Various locations around Ribeauvillé: Colmarer Weg, Ellenweier, Gruenspiel, Hagenau, Weinbaum, Sulz...

Type of soil:

The vineyards that gave this wine are located in the geological fracture zone of Ribeauvillé. They constitute a territory which is geologically highly fragmented. They are above areas with hard chalk, clay and marl from the Liassic and Triassic periods, sandstone clay, and calcareous, chalky conglomerates from the Oligocene period. The area is also characterised by silt-laden deposits, originally loessial, and by glacis and sandy alluvium in the valley and on the plain. Our plots growing RIESLING are situated in the sandy and stony alluvial deposits of the Colmarer Weg plain and on slopes composed of marl and chalk.

Wine character:

The nose is very expressive with grapefruit and tropical fruits flavours. Pure and fine expression of the Riesling. A dry typical Riesling, fruit-forward with a delicate freshness.

Tips for consuming:

May be served with all dishes which require a dry white wine: crustaceans, shellfish, fish (grilled or served in sauce), white meat, and of course young goat cheese.
This Riesling can be aged. However it is now ready for drinking.

The 2020 vintage:

The 2020 vintage starts with a very mild 2019-2020 winter. After an early bud burst following a mild spring, stable, dry and mostly windy conditions prevailed for several weeks. The return of cooler and stormy conditions in summer ensured a correct water supply, a good ripening of the grapes and the preservation of their freshness. The harvest is again early and gives us balanced and ripe wines.

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